Please join us for the 7th Annual GAYLA!
Presented by Make it Better 4 Youth and our hosts Middletown High School South
900 Nutswamp Road, Middletown, NJ 07748
Friday June 9
Dinner and DJ
Middletown High School South
Students are to be picked up no later than 10:15 pm.
Students attending MUST do both of the following:
1. Fill out the form below to let us know you are coming. We need this so we can plan our evening.
2. Fill in this permission slip and submit before or evening of dance. (Scan and email or print and fill out.) We can’t impress upon you the importance of this; you MUST have a signed form to enter.
Join us for a fun-filled evening with friends and allies around our region.. each year people show up with old friends, and leaving having met new ones!
Recently, I happened across a wonderful company which was working with colleges and some other schools by manufacturing and providing all-gender or gender neutral signage for public restrooms. These ADA compliant signs help signify to our trans* and gender nonconforming community that the bathrooms are for all. They also come in many colors, allowing for schools to unify signage across an entire school building.
Thank you to!

The NJ AIDS Walk is a collaborative effort of the state’s leading HIV/AIDS service and support programs. On SUNDAY, MAY 4TH, 2014 in 5 locations across NJ, at exactly the same time of day, thousands of people will walk in solidarity in support of people living with HIV/AIDS in our area. There are more than 35,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in NJ. Please join us in fighting this pandemic by walking with us in the 2014 NJ AIDS Walk. Start your own team or join an existing team. Let’s do this!
To this end, we share with you a letter from our community member Father Bob Kaeding:
Dear Friends,
On May 4, 2014, thousands upon thousands of people will walk in solidarity across the state of New Jersey in an effort to raise funds and awareness for people living with HIV/AIDS. We are kindly requesting that you organize a team and join us for the NJ AIDS Walk. Our Team Leaders are the heart and soul of AIDS Walk New Jersey and last year, team fundraising accounted for 65% of the total raised AIDS Walk dollars!
Please organize a Team of friends, family members, coworkers, fellow students, or religious/civic organization members. Pre-register at and follow the simple directions below to raise money for 2014 NJ AIDS Walk.
Go online to and click on: get involved; Asbury Park; Register Here; Agree to Waiver/Agreement; Start a Team. After you have set up your team, choose to send your team announcement to one/all of your social medias.
PRIZES FOR THE TOP ASBURY PARK FUNDRAISERS: TWO Round Trip Airline tickets in the contiguous United States will be awarded to the Top Individual Fundraiser and the Top Team Leader Fundraiser.
Good luck and thank you for supporting the 2014 New Jersey AIDS Walk. Do not hesitate to call us at 732-774-3416 (x21) with any questions.
Father Robert Kaeding
Executive Director
The Center in Asbury Park
806 3rd Ave.
Asbury Park, NJ 07712
“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover”
Wednesday, April 9th
6:30 – 9:00 pm
Raritan High School Cafeteria
Come enjoy a warm, engaging atmosphere where you can soak in the beauty and inspiration of poetry!
$5 in advance
$6 at the door
Poetry Readers Enter for FREE!
Local GLSEN student leaders and GSA members talk with Mike Rice, former Rutgers University Basketball coach this Friday night, November 8th 10pm on ABC’s 20/20. The discussion will cover leadership, the power of our words, and more. Please tune in to witness this important conversation. The former Scarlet Knight coach apologizes and
GLSEN Central Jersey chapter helped organize this event, and leader Carol Watchler had this to say to the youth present:
“I just want to tell you what a phenomenal group they were yesterday morning. Your questions and comments were insightful, well-stated and very to the point. Little did I know that you would also demonstrate some amazing skills on the basketball court, too.”
Broadcast information: Friday November 8th at 10pm (ET) on ABC affiliates nationally.