
Two River Theater Holds LGBT Coffeehouse

Have you seen the It Gets Better videos, and wondered what to do in the meantime?

The Two River Theater in Red Bank NJ will be hosting a coffeehouse for LGBT youth on Saturday, November 27th, from 6 – 8pm.

Whether you are feeling alone, finally finding your community, or anywhere in between, come share your story.  Sing a song, perform a poem or monologue, bring a piece of your art to put on display, do some stand-up, share your pain or joy or frustration or humor in an artful way.  Or come to listen to other peoples’ stories and just drink coffee and hang out.

We’ll film our own It Gets Better video that night — you can help!  RSVP᾿s are encouraged, but not required: 732-345-1400 x1814.  Artists who would like to participate should email Two River Theater’s Director of Education, Kate Cordaro for the info —